Au cœur de Paris, la cathédrale Notre Dame incarnait l’âme de la France. Devenue un monument touristique, elle était visitée chaque mois par presque un million de personnes perdant au passage une partie de son identité. La tragédie qui vient de la frapper est aussi une opportunité pour qu’elle redevienne un lieu où souffle l’esprit.

You are currently viewing Au cœur de Paris, la cathédrale Notre Dame incarnait l’âme de la France. Devenue un monument touristique, elle était visitée chaque mois par presque un million de personnes perdant au passage une partie de son identité. La tragédie qui vient de la frapper est aussi une opportunité pour qu’elle redevienne un lieu où souffle l’esprit.

Ce qui ne nous tue pas nous rend plus forts. L’incendie de la toiture de la cathédrale de Paris est une tragédie pour tous les Français car ce temple incarnait dans la mémoire nationale une part de l’identité française et catholique.

Ce qui est important est de voir comment la nation réagit à ce drame. Comment cette destruction par le feu secoue les consciences et conduit nos concitoyens à s’interroger sur le prix qu’ils accordent aux choses et au fait d’être français.

Les premières réactions des politiques sont encourageantes. Les mêmes qui restaient silencieux face aux nouvelles quotidiennes des attaques contre des lieux de culte catholique, qui n’ont rien dit quand la basilique Saint-Denis a été profanée, se précipitent devant les caméras et les micros pour exprimer leur émotion.

La presse mobilise ses meilleures plumes pour verser des larmes, souvent sincères, souvent de crocodile, pour rendre compte du drame que vit Paris et la France.

Heureusement, comme le rappelle le Salon beige :

Malgré les dégâts provoqués par l’incendie, de nombreux trésors ont pu être sauvés grâce aux pompiers : la Couronne d’épine, un Clou de la sainte croix, des morceaux de bois de la sainte croix, la discipline de saint Louis, la tunique de saint Louis, une vierge à l’enfant… En revanche, les vitraux sont perdus… une collecte pour Notre-Dame de Paris de la Fondation du patrimoine sera accessible demain à partir de midi

Dans la presse de gauche comme dans le très conformisme la Croix, l’émotion est palpable.

Dans les colonnes de Boulevard Voltaire, le journaliste Nicolas Gauthier, essayiste et débateur de Bistrot libertés, écrit :

Comme tout bon journaliste consciencieux, je m’installai, calepin et crayon d’une main, clavier de l’ordinateur et télécommande à portée de l’autre ; histoire d’attendre de pied ferme Emmanuel Macron et son allocution. Depuis ce matin, les confrères en parlaient sur les chaînes d’information en continu, histoire de commenter ce qui n’avait pas encore été dit, d’anticiper sur ce qui allait l’être ou non. La routine, donc.

Et soudain, la sidération. Notre-Dame de Paris est en flammes. L’allocution en question est, évidemment, reportée. Contrairement au 11 septembre 2001, pas de piste criminelle en vue. Le traumatisme n’en est pas moins grand. Chacun se rappellera, à jamais, ce qu’il faisait « exactement » à cette minute, où il se trouvait, les premières personnes qu’il a eues en premier au téléphone. Tel qu’il se doit, quand survient un événement hors du commun.

Certes, les Twin Towers faisaient figure de symbole. Cette cathédrale aussi, et symbolisait surtout quelque chose de plus haut, de plus grand, de plus noble. C’est quand les choses disparaissent que l’on se rend enfin compte de l’importance qu’elles avaient. L’identité nationale, par exemple… Pis : le drame est survenu en pleine Semaine sainte, le lendemain du dimanche des Rameaux. Les amateurs de signes en verront peut-être un.

Et les commentateurs d’évoquer la « disparition de l’âme de la France ». Tiens donc. La France avait donc une âme ? Manifestement, leur émotion n’est pas feinte. Ils n’étaient pas forcément connus pour hanter les églises, pourtant. Comme quoi, chassez le sacré et il revient au galop qu’on sait. Le premier chef d’État étranger à réagir ? Donald Trump. D’autres ne devraient pas tarder. Quant à notre classe politique, elle est, paraît-il, « sidérée » : on le comprend sans peine. Un peu comme si une nation entière se sentait un peu catholique ce soir ; même ceux qui ne le sont pas. Ironie d’un triste sort ou miracle pascal ?

Comme souvent, les journalistes du Daily Mail ont été les plus rapides à publier un reportage photo très complet. Suite de notre article après les photos (nombreuses !).

As darkness fell on Paris on Monday evening the ruined cathedral was illuminated by the flames still burning in the roof as firefighters battled on against the inferno+91


As darkness fell on Paris on Monday evening the ruined cathedral was illuminated by the flames still burning in the roof as firefighters battled on against the inferno

A shard of the cathedral's spire plummets through the air as it collapsed earlier after the fire burned through its foundations+91


A shard of the cathedral’s spire plummets through the air as it collapsed earlier after the fire burned through its foundations

A view from inside the cathedral shows flames in the roof as firefighters douse it from below with hoses. A shocked firefighter looks back at the camera as the blaze is seen raging through a hole in the roof+91


A view from inside the cathedral shows flames in the roof as firefighters douse it from below with hoses. A shocked firefighter looks back at the camera as the blaze is seen raging through a hole in the roof

A spokesperson for the cathedral told Le Monde that the entire frame of the historic cathedral's roof (pictured here before the blaze) had caught fire+91


A spokesperson for the cathedral told Le Monde that the entire frame of the historic cathedral’s roof (pictured here before the blaze) had caught fire

An aerial view of the cathedral taken from a police drone showed the famous structure completely stripped of its roof and still ablaze on the inside+91


An aerial view of the cathedral taken from a police drone showed the famous structure completely stripped of its roof and still ablaze on the inside

Drone footage from the French Interior Ministry showed the devastation to the cathedral's centuries-old timber roof+91


Drone footage from the French Interior Ministry showed the devastation to the cathedral’s centuries-old timber roof

Speaking with tears in his eyes on the steps of the cathedral, Macron vowed to rebuild Notre Dame with the help of the international community+91


Speaking with tears in his eyes on the steps of the cathedral, Macron vowed to rebuild Notre Dame with the help of the international community

Teams of firefighters from across the city were called in to try and put out the fire after it spread quickly through the cathedral on Monday evening+91


Teams of firefighters from across the city were called in to try and put out the fire after it spread quickly through the cathedral on Monday evening

Much of the top of the structure fell victim to the inferno including the famous spire and part of the dome at the back of the church+91


Much of the top of the structure fell victim to the inferno including the famous spire and part of the dome at the back of the church

The fast moving fire consumed the roof of the cathedral. This evening, President Emmanuel Macron said the whole nation was moved. "Like all our compatriots, I am sad this evening to see this part of all of us burn," he tweeted+91


The fast moving fire consumed the roof of the cathedral. This evening, President Emmanuel Macron said the whole nation was moved. ‘Like all our compatriots, I am sad this evening to see this part of all of us burn,’ he tweeted

Smoke continues to billow into the Paris sky this evening as firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading+91


Smoke continues to billow into the Paris sky this evening as firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading

Pictures from inside the centuries old church show the stone-built roof of the structure partially caved in after the huge blaze+91


Pictures from inside the centuries old church show the stone-built roof of the structure partially caved in after the huge blaze

Many of the church pews were pictured intact despite the blaze as the stone-made part of the church remained largely intact despite the wooden roof structure caving in+91


Many of the church pews were pictured intact despite the blaze as the stone-made part of the church remained largely intact despite the wooden roof structure caving in

Teams of firefighters from across the city were called in to try and put out the fire after it spread quickly through the cathedral on Monday evening



Teams of firefighters from across the city were called in to try and put out the fire after it spread quickly through the cathedral on Monday evening

Much of the top of the structure fell victim to the inferno including the famous spire and part of the dome at the back of the church



Much of the top of the structure fell victim to the inferno including the famous spire and part of the dome at the back of the church

The fast moving fire consumed the roof of the cathedral. This evening, President Emmanuel Macron said the whole nation was moved. "Like all our compatriots, I am sad this evening to see this part of all of us burn," he tweeted



The fast moving fire consumed the roof of the cathedral. This evening, President Emmanuel Macron said the whole nation was moved. ‘Like all our compatriots, I am sad this evening to see this part of all of us burn,’ he tweeted

Smoke continues to billow into the Paris sky this evening as firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading



Smoke continues to billow into the Paris sky this evening as firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading

Pictures from inside the centuries old church show the stone-built roof of the structure partially caved in after the huge blaze



Pictures from inside the centuries old church show the stone-built roof of the structure partially caved in after the huge blaze

Many of the church pews were pictured intact despite the blaze as the stone-made part of the church remained largely intact despite the wooden roof structure caving in



Many of the church pews were pictured intact despite the blaze as the stone-made part of the church remained largely intact despite the wooden roof structure caving in

Crowd gathers to pray as Notre Dame Cathedral is engulfed by flames

  Progress: 0%0:00PreviousPlaySkipMuteCurrent Time0:00/Duration Time0:55Fullscreen
Crews relentlessly fight back flames as Notre Dame burns

  Progress: 0%0:00PreviousPlaySkipMuteCurrent Time0:00/Duration Time2:05Fullscreen

Firefighters were still battling to bring the blaze under control as night drew in on Paris and the roof of Notre Dame was still on fire. The stained glass window also appeared to have been destroyed by the heat of the fire



Firefighters were still battling to bring the blaze under control as night drew in on Paris and the roof of Notre Dame was still on fire. The stained glass window also appeared to have been destroyed by the heat of the fire

The scaffolding at the top of the church and the wooden frame of the building was said to be completely ablaze by a cathedral spokesperson



The scaffolding at the top of the church and the wooden frame of the building was said to be completely ablaze by a cathedral spokesperson

The famous spire of Notre Dame collapsed dramatically at around 7.15pm GMT after the blaze tore through the wooden structure at the top of the building



The famous spire of Notre Dame collapsed dramatically at around 7.15pm GMT after the blaze tore through the wooden structure at the top of the building

Firefighters douse flames billowing from the roof as they try to stop the flames spreading. Nobody has been injured, junior interior minister Laurent Nunez said at the scene, adding: 'It's too early to determine the causes of the fire'+91


Firefighters douse flames billowing from the roof as they try to stop the flames spreading. Nobody has been injured, junior interior minister Laurent Nunez said at the scene, adding: ‘It’s too early to determine the causes of the fire’

The burning orange of the flames can be seen through the rose petal window this evening as Parisians and tourists look on in horror as the blaze continues to spread at the cathedral+91


The burning orange of the flames can be seen through the rose petal window this evening as Parisians and tourists look on in horror as the blaze continues to spread at the cathedral

People watch in Paris this evening as the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral continues to swarm the building, as firefighters fight to contain it+91


People watch in Paris this evening as the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral continues to swarm the building, as firefighters fight to contain it

The spire collapses while flames are burning through the roof at teh Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris today. The blaze started in the late afternoon at one of the most visited monuments in the French capital+91


The spire collapses while flames are burning through the roof at teh Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris today. The blaze started in the late afternoon at one of the most visited monuments in the French capital

A cordon is in place as fire crews spray water on the gothic cathedral to try and stem the flames this evening+91


A cordon is in place as fire crews spray water on the gothic cathedral to try and stem the flames this evening

A lone firefighter on a crane uses a hose to try and extiguish the flames this evening. British Prime Minister Theresa May expressed her thoughts for the people of France and emergency services battling a devastating fire this evening+91


A lone firefighter on a crane uses a hose to try and extiguish the flames this evening. British Prime Minister Theresa May expressed her thoughts for the people of France and emergency services battling a devastating fire this evening

The flames have engulfed large parts of the Cathedral, located in central Paris. A spurt of water can be seen at the bottom right of the picture as firefighters do battle with the blaze this evening. Officials in Paris said the fire could be linked to restoration works as the peak of the church is currently undergoing a 6 million-euro ($6.8 million) renovation project+91


The flames have engulfed large parts of the Cathedral, located in central Paris. A spurt of water can be seen at the bottom right of the picture as firefighters do battle with the blaze this evening. Officials in Paris said the fire could be linked to restoration works as the peak of the church is currently undergoing a 6 million-euro ($6.8 million) renovation project

The spire seen leaning slightly over as it began to give way because of the fire ripping through its foundations and the rest of the roof+91


The spire seen leaning slightly over as it began to give way because of the fire ripping through its foundations and the rest of the roof


Les réactions n’ont pas été unanimes en faveur de la cathédrale et de son rôle dans l’identité française.

Ce rappel à la réalité ne servira pas à ouvrir les yeux de tous ceux qui feignent de croire aux vertus du vivre ensemble.

La cathédrale de Paris sera reconstruite. L’homme d’affaires François-Henri Pinault s’est engagé à verser cent millions d’euros pour financer le chantier. Un beau geste qui fait honte à celui d’Emmanuel Macron qui lui a annoncé l’ouverture d’une… souscription.

L’important n’est pas  la reconstruction des murs. Ce qui compte est la reconstruction de l’âme des hommes et des femmes dont le destin est lié à celui de la cathédrale.

Retrouvez l’article du Daily Mail en cliquant ici. Retrouvez le texte de Nicolas Gauthier sur Boulevard Voltaire en cliquant ici. L’article de Salon beige en cliquant ici.
Phoos DR et CC via Flickr de Henry Marion, Olivier Mabelly et de Panoramas.