La loi de la jungle règne dans les sociétés multiraciales. Un avertissement venu d’Afrique du sud.

You are currently viewing La loi de la jungle règne dans les sociétés multiraciales. Un avertissement venu d’Afrique du sud.

Le quotidien Daily Mail, moins frileux que ses confrères français, relate un incident de la vie de tous les jours des Européens qui vivent en Afrique du Sud. Après une visite d’amis, trois gangster armés de fusils profitent de l’ouverture de la grille pour laisser sortir les voitures pour tenter d’entrer et détrousser les habitants.

La jeune maîtresse de maison, n’écoutant que son courage et cherchant à protéger l’enfant qu’elle porte dans ses bras, se précipite pour refermer la grille. Un homme vient à son aide pour fermer la grille quand des coups de feu éclatent et l’homme tombe à terre.

La terrifiante vidéo de l’incident.  La jeune femme est d’un courage frisant la témérité.


The brave mother holds onto her toddler while trying to fend off an armed gang forcing their way through her gate in Pinetown, South Africa


The brave mother holds onto her toddler while trying to fend off an armed gang forcing their way through her gate in Pinetown, South Africa

The mother tries to close the gates as one of the gunmen rushes through with his assault rifle




The mother tries to close the gates as one of the gunmen rushes through with his assault rifle

The mother holds onto her toddler as the gunmen open the gates and try and rush through




The mother holds onto her toddler as the gunmen open the gates and try and rush through

Security expert Andreas Mathios said: ‘The residents were busy saying goodbye to their friends, whose vehicles were still parked in the driveway, with the main driveway gate open because they were about to leave.

‘The suspects spotted the opportunity and stopped outside the property. As they approached the victims, one of the women standing in the driveway screamed when she saw a suspect armed with a firearm.’

Une autre vision de l’incident, plus pédagogique.



Video footage shows the woman manually closing the gate on the gunmen as one of the departing vehicles rushes back inside the property and reportedly crashes into a garage door.

A man in red shorts then attempts to help the mother close the gates but later drops to the floor after shots are fired.

A man in red shorts rushes to the mother's aid and tries to secure the gates. He later falls to the ground as shots are fired

 A man in red shorts rushes to the mother’s aid and tries to secure the gates. He later falls to the ground as shots are fired

The mother once again tries to secure the gates after the three gunmen leave the scene

 The mother once again tries to secure the gates after the three gunmen leave the scene

One of the gunmen rushes through the gate as the mother crouches down on the floor and cradles her toddler in her arms.

The armed robber fires shots into the air before leaving the scene. 

After several moments, the man in red shorts then returns to secure the gate.

According to Mr Mathios, one of the victims threw the group’s mobile phones into a bush to prevent the robbers from taking them.

However, one suspect managed to retrieve a phone from the bush before running off with it.

No one was injured during the violent incident and the police have yet to confirm whether they are investigating the matter.